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Europe’s all-in-one bitcoin platform.
Cubits is a multi-purpose Bitcoin platform for buying, exchangingstoring, and accepting Bitcoin. Cubits was founded in by Tim Rehder, Revjew Mautner and Waloet Lehrbaum and launched after a year in development, in January [1]. Since its launch, Cubits has been one of the fastest-growing Bitcoin marketplaces in Europe. Cubits is a highly efficient digital brokerage platform that allows users to exchange Bitcoin into 17 available currencies. The process of identification of users, perhaps, can be considered one of the best and bitcoon on the market: verification takes place on the site within minutes, and requires only the availability of government issued identity cards. After confirming your identity, you have access to a number of transactions to transfer ordinary money to cryptocurrency from a number of countries.
Europe’s all-in-one bitcoin platform.
Cubits is an extremely efficient brokerage, offering customers a quick method of exchanging bitcoin with any of the 17 different currencies. The KYC process is arguably the best and fastest in the market — verification is sorted within the website in a manner of minutes, and usually requires only a government-issued ID. Once verified, there are a number of different deposit options that have been integrated to facilitate convenient money transfers from any number of different countries. The merchant solution is widely utilized by leading gaming operators, making Cubits the easiest on ramp to the world of bitcoin gambling for any potential customer new to the world of bitcoin. The 0.
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Cubits is an extremely efficient brokerage, offering customers a quick method of exchanging bitcoin with any of the 17 different currencies. The KYC process revie arguably the best and fastest in the market — verification is sorted cubots the website in a manner of minutes, and usually requires only a government-issued ID.
Once verified, there are bitcoiin number of bitconi deposit options that have been integrated to facilitate convenient money transfers from any number of walllet countries. The merchant solution is widely utilized by leading gaming bitciin, making Cubits the easiest on ramp to the world of bitcoin gambling for any potential customer new to the world of bitcoin. The 0. This is the price of convenience and speed. Two factor authentication is available upon login, and notifications are sent to the user for any account actions, like withdrawing and the changing of personal data.
Withdrawals must also be signed by Cubits, and larger orders — anything more than a few bitcoin — are manually checked before sign off to dallet integrity. Should anything seem strange, the customer is contacted directly by support. Cubits has registered offices in London and Berlin, and is licensed as an IT payment service provider by HM revenue and customs.
The team is comprised of approximately 20, with a group of four co-founders who provide funding. Cubits offers one of the quickest and easiest know-your-customer process in the bitcoin exchange market, thanks to their partnership with Jumio. Jumio is a leading reciew management company specializing in providing fast, seamless verification in the fintech market. Their technology allows instant ID verification from over countries. Once verified, customers are able to deposit in 17 different currencies including.
For merchant accounts, proof of site ownership requires submitting a metatag to the homepage for verification. Cubits offers a no-frills bitcoin brokerage, offering quick and easy exchange of bitcoin and any of the 17 currencies supported. The interface is extremely simple, with five tabs offering users the ability to send bitcoin to a particular address or QR code; request bitcoin via email; buy bitcoin, bitcon also includes cubits bitcoin wallet review options; sell bitcoin, which also includes the withdrawal options; and an activity tab, which shows all pending and completed account actions.
Cubits Pay is a bitcoin payment processing solution for online merchants. While the solution has been adopted by a number of e-commerce sites it has proven most popular amongst online bitcoin casinos and sportsbooks. In the case of the bitcoin casinos, withdrawals are just as simple. We list below the top three gambling sites that cugits integrated with Cubits Pay. The merchant has the option of instantly converting the bitcoin into EURO, with no additional conversion fee. The site is optimized for mobile use, with full deposit, withdrawal, send and receive services available.
There have been rumblings of a Cubits app for iOS and Android, though this has yet to have hit the market. The main gripe with Cubits is their. Cubits has an excellent support team, and any questions are answered via email within an hour or two.
Additional services — for instance, resetting a two factor authentication — is also managed swiftly by customer support. Cubits is a brokerage, it is not appropriate for frequent trading. Day traders need massive liquidity and the associated tight spreads, and low fees — we recommend bitfinex for spot market trading and bitmex if you want to try your hand with derivatives — like cryptocurrency reviiew or highly leveraged spot market trading. Check out our list of the top US bitcoin exchanges for alternatives.
The revied is a bit high at. For non-bitcoin users interested reiew checking out the world revie bitcoin gambling, an account with Cubits offers almost instant fubits with a number of leading casinos, thanks to their integrated wallet solution. While the 0. Open Account. Excellent KYC process Seventeen different currencies supported Convenient interface and reasonable fees.
Bitcoin only, and you can find cheaper fees if you sacrifice convenience. Summary Cubits is an extremely efficient brokerage, offering customers a quick method of exchanging bitcoin with any of the 17 different currencies. Security Two factor authentication is available upon login, and notifications are sent to the user for any account actions, like withdrawing and the changing of personal wallst. Gravitas Cubits has registered offices in London and Berlin, and is licensed as an IT payment service provider by HM revenue and customs.
Opening an account Cubits offers one of the quickest and easiest know-your-customer process in bitdoin bitcoin exchange market, thanks to their partnership with Jumio.
The Cubits product Cubits Wallet Cubits offers a no-frills bitcoin brokerage, offering quick and easy exchange of bitcoin and any of the 17 currencies supported. Cubits Pay Cubits Pay is a bitcoin payment processing solution for online merchants. Mobile The site is optimized for mobile use, with full deposit, withdrawal, send and receive services available. Fees The main gripe with Cubits is their.
You might be better off at a different exchange if: You plan to day trade. You are based in the US. You put a higher premium on price rather than convenience.
Cubits Review
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